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Spring Clean and Safe

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A different type of Spring Clean came to mind after reading about a family’s loss after a devastating fire.  Of all the things that fire or water can destroy in the home, what is often the most difficult and frustrating to replace are documents.

An investment in a fire and water proof safe may be costly, but there are also less costly alternatives such as  fire and water proof pouches (as pictured in the middle image below) and if you have an existing conventional safe, you will enjoy the added protection of placing such a pouch inside the safe.  There are also smaller drawer type safes that are fire and water proof such as that pictured in our featured image (above).

It’s a prudent idea for you and your family to do a ‘what if scenario’ and to allow yourselves to imagine the inconvenience of replacing items in the event of water damage or fire, which may include;

property title deeds,
legal documents pertaining to citizenship, marriage, birth and death,
identity documents such as passports,
crypto currency wallets,
wills and policies,
photo copies of debit and credit cards and even loyalty cards,
flash drives with your photographs,
investment details and share certificates software licences,
original family photographs,
various account details,
medical and veterinary records…   

Another practical idea is to create a secure folder in the Cloud with scanned copies of most of the above, but this will of course not protect valuable original documents.

Whatever you do this Spring, consider your safety and security more broadly and be prepared and make a point of going up the West Coast to visit those flowers!


Suggested Cape Town links to which we have no commercial connection;
(Shop around online to find better value. We have no link to these suppliers and we are not making a recommendation)