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Unveiling Our Survey for a Fulfilling ‘Rewirement’ Journey”

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Embarking on the journey of life’s next chapter is no longer just about retirement; it’s about rewiring for a fresh adventure. The insightful minds of the Newlands sales team at Chas Everitt Cape Town South have set sail on a mission to transform the retirement landscape, and they’re inviting you to be a part of this transformative voyage.

Navigating through the sea of mature residents’ aspirations, the team pinpointed a significant gap – a lack of consolidated information for those seeking a new abode in their golden years. A pledge was made to enhance this experience and create a reservoir of readily available valuable insights.

Introducing the essence of change: our exclusive survey. This innovative tool designed to fuse your experiences, desires, and wisdom into a compass that guides towards their ideal ‘rewirement’ destination. With just ten carefully crafted questions, this survey exudes simplicity and efficiency, ensuring a seamless journey from thought to completion.

Embrace this opportunity to sculpt the future of retirement living. Your perspectives are the building blocks of a brighter tomorrow.

Visit to embark on the survey’s digital path, or if you prefer the tactile experience, request a printed version.

Remember, it’s not just about retiring; it’s about rewiring for a life that sparkles anew. Join us in reshaping the concept of retirement, one insight at a time. Together, let’s pave the way for ‘rewirement’ – where every question answered paints a picture of possibility. Your journey is our compass, and the adventure starts now.

The survey runs from 15th August till 30th November – Any data captured before the 15th will be treated as test data and deleted.


The survey is professionally designed by consultants Blu Ink Projects in Ireland for Chas Everitt Cape Town South